Write His Name In Monster Trucks

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When a man's this fine
When a man's this fine you never know why
Such a warm embrace
But anyone could say it to
Say it to his face

I'm going to write his name in monster trucks
Or maybe mow it in the grass
I'm going to say "let's dance" with Hi-Life cans
Or maybe spell it out with large mouth bass
And I'll carve my love's initials
In the gullet of a bear
And I'll write his name in monster trucks
'Cause I care

When a man's this fine
And your heart's a giant bullet hole
When the world's gone blind
And they need to see it written down in Skoal

I'm going to write his name in monster trucks
Or maybe mow it in the grass
I'm going to say "let's dance" with Hi-Life cans
Or maybe spell it out with large mouth bass
And I'll carve my love's initials
In the gullet of a bear
And I'll write his name in monster trucks
'Cause I care

Baby, all I need's a Keno pick
Or a fake insurance claim
So I can afford enough John Deere's
To spell your middle name

I'm going to write his name in monster trucks
Or maybe mow it in the grass
Because he makes me melt
With his big-ass belt
So I'll write it out in tanks of propane gas
And I'll carve my baby's initials
In the gullet of a bear
And I'll write his name in monster trucks
'Cause I care
'Cause I care

Greg Kutcher - electric guitar
Lauren London - vocals
James Yorkshire - violin

Copyright 2014 Zach London