Hello, my name is Vladimir
You 're just in time, come in!
You don't know me from Adam, here
But soon you will be glad I'm here
For Vladimir
Is sort of like the Madame here
And this is my bordello
Why, Miss, you 're turning yellow!
The Hard Tack Medicine Show
Will now begin!
Vladimir: You say youve never heard of us
Woman 1: Or never gotten word of us
Man 1: Well, if youve done some prison time
Man 2: Youve met at least a third of us!
Woman 1: We 're singers and contortionists,
Man 3: Tragic clowns and players
All: Our puppeteers and dancers,
Are the answers to your prayers
All: Come you townies
Down to the medicine show
Men: Come if you 're feeling partial to
A touch of low class
All: Crowd the aisles, squeeze in
For the medicine show
Women: The fire marshal can kiss my fat ass!
Man 1: Comedy and tragedy,
Served up with impropriety
Woman 1: A voyeuristic pleasure
To the measure of satiety
Vladimir: Indulgence for the senses,
Fenwick: And remedies for the body
Woman 2: The mischief we dispense is
Just a just a freckle less than naughty
All: Come you half wits,
Laugh, it's the Medicine Show
Men: Whenever we come to town
It's time to put the kids to bed
All: Manners, shmanners, this is the Medicine Show
Women: You uppity churchy-types
Can kindly drop dead!
Chorus 1: Come along and feel the rhythm
The rhythm of the
God gave you eyes
Do something with them
You 're going to love the show
Chorus 2: Medicine Show
Snake oil, 40 cents
Medicine Show
Procured at great expense
Vladimir: Weve got crooners, and divas singing sentimental tripe
Acrobats and hoofers of the most alluring type
I said Hoofers, Mac, calm down
That's dancing girls, by definition
But if that's your game, it's all the same,
We'll talk at intermission
All: Dr. Fenwick sponsors the Medicine Show
Men: And everything that he claims
Is scientifically derived
All: Buy his snake oil after the Medicine Show
Women: Don't leave your family
Pharmaceutically deprived
Chorus 3: Throw a bottle down
Spin your girls around
Around, around
Insomnia for sale
In another sleepy town
Another sleepy town
Chorus 1: Come along and feel the rhythm
The rhythm of the
God gave you eyes
Do something with them
You 're going to love the show
Chorus 2: Medicine Show
Bawdy and grotesque
Medicine Show
Black face and burlesque
Medicine Show
Snake oil, 40 cents
Medicine Show
Procured at great expense
Medicine Show
Bawdy and grotesque
Medicine Show
Black face and burlesque
Vladimir: You're going to love the show.
Jon Greenlee - Vladimir, drums, bass, electric guitar
Thellea Leveque - vocals, flute
Lauren London - vocals
Jared Rustad - vocals
Martha Rustad - vocals
Josh Siegel - vocals
Darin Zahuranec - trumpet, french horn
Copyright 2004 - Zach London