From "Beowulf: The Rock Opera"
As Beowulf emerged from the mead-hall the cheering Danes ran out to greet him. They took Grendel's arm and mounted it on a pole, and carried it through the town, singing the praises of Beowulf and of Denmark.
Beowulf returns victorious!
The future calls, we all should look ahead.
But the systematic slaughter
Of a hundred of our men has been avenged...
So let's go drink a lot instead!
Beowulf, I apologize.
It wasn't right for me to persecute.
Forgive me please and I'll give you a big ol' Danish hug
And a sun-sword made by Nethergrak the Jute!
Thank you all,
I don't know what to say!
But one more factor's not yet introduced...
When Grendel's mother learns he lost
She'll be here for revenge
So let's party 'til those chicken come to roost.
Oh, Hrothgar!
To you was given such success in battle
That your youthful band of warriors waxed amain!
Oh, Hrothgar!
To you was given such success in battle
That your youthful band of warriors...

... waxed amain.
(Jon Greenlee - vocals, drums, bass
Jeff Bercovici - vocals)
Copyright 1993 Zach London