Give up the Kibble

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From "Down the Wrong Pipe"

Hello, perfection
Hello, you look spectacular
A confection
For the macula
That's eye candy
In the vernacular
You make me feel so
Banana fanna fo

Do you like my World mix
Did I overdo it on the votives
Should I talk less
Or is it too late to hide my motives
Might as well clean up my face
Before I take it on the chin
Don't want to Photoshop myself
But leave the red eye in

I'm one of the featherbrained riffraff
The flotsam and jetsam
If any of us have got some
Then the rest need to get some
So you might as well surrender
And get on with your life
Come on and give up the kibble
Just a little nibble
All right

And we all say hey
And we all say hey, hey, hey
Give up the kibble
Just a little nibble
All right, okay
And we all say hey, hey, hey
Give up the kibble
Just a little nibble
All right, okay

Common things being common
I'm probably a creep and I'm Peeping Tommin
Keeping it real
Keeping it cheap as a 24-pack of Ramen
But how does it feel
To know that Ive finally made my choice
It took me twenty and change to do it
But Ive found my voice

Now I grasping at straws
Hoping I pick the long one
Hoping I guess your blood type
Guessing I picked the wrong one
And the dog tags
Jangle jangle in the wind
If you 're close enough to read this
Then you ain't no friend.

I got a little wink wink
From my dirty uncle Buzz
And maybe Id slip it in your drink
If I knew what it was
But this one doesn't dissolve
We'll have to find something that does
And will make you
Give up the kibble
Just a little nibble
All right

And we all say hey
And we all say hey, hey, hey
Give up the kibble
Just a little nibble
All right, okay
And we all say hey, hey, hey
Give up the kibble
Just a little nibble
All right, okay

I want to lay you on the twin long flannel
On the White House lawn
And see you swimming across the English Channel
With your gym shoes on

Let's fall asleep and let the tide pool soak us
In Manila Bay
Cause you 're the reason my eyes defocus
The reason we all say

And we all say hey, hey, hey
Give up the kibble
Just a little nibble
All right, okay
And we all say hey, hey, hey
Give up the kibble
Just a little nibble
All right, okay

Copyright 2005 Zach London