From "Forced to Breed in Captivity"
Who could fault your logic when you left me
You were always clever in your cruelty
But in another century your doom I will portend
An angry throng of pitchfork-wielding townfolk will descend
Burn all your trappings, strip you bare and then
I'll wave them off
Bend down and say
Something really cruel and clever
Then I'll ride away
I'm gonna squash one bug for each time we kissed
I'll fish out the old mnage-a-trois wish list
I'll commission Chinese physicists to work a frantic pace
Til I can harness satellites to break your heart from space
And watch it all on monitors from some subterranean base
And I'll stroke my cat
Pick up the mike and say
Something really cruel and clever
Over the PA
In another century your doom I will portend
An angry throng of pitchfork-wielding townfolk will descend
Burn all your trappings, strip you bare and then
With a simple phrase
I'll stage the perfect coup
Something really cruel and clever
That completely breaks you
Something really cruel and clever
That completely breaks you.
(Lauren London - vocals)
Copyright 2004 Zach London