The Hard Taco Project
is a Simple Concept

I will write and record one song a month,
every month, until I am dead

I have been doing this since
1993 and so far my health is good.

Hard Taco Radio

The Zach London Studio Recording Project

New Album Drip/Drop 

Dear Friends,

The new Hard Taco album, Oddly Specific, drips today! 

Oddly Specific 2

Real talk: The word drip is mostly associated with unpleasant imagery such as leaky faucets, gonorrhea, and incontinence. But drop is even worse... Dropping a vase, moose droppings, dropping acid, dropping out of school, and precipitous temperature drops. So I went with drip, manifesting that this album will drip like a hot brown espresso shot. It's got ten great songs (out of eleven), including the new Hard Taco tune for this month, "Freeze Tag."

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