Natlalie Portman's Toes
Dear Friends,
Spotify undermined my creative process this month.
Everything was going fine until we built The Dood Ranch, our dog-themed Fortress Party room. Scarlett was in charge of music, and she dutifully put together a playlist of bittersweet country songs about dogs, which we played on repeat throughout the party. That was enough to convince Spotify that I'm obsessed with this music and I never want to hear anything else. Since then, no matter what music I request, pivots and reverts to twangy dog anthems.
To make matters even more maddening, those songs weaseled their way into my subconscious. As you may have guessed, the new Hard Taco song, "The Pound," is a bittersweet country song about dogs.
The Elusive Portmantrois
A portmanteau is a word that blends the sounds and meanings of two others. The word labradoodle is a portmanteau of Labrador and Poodle. The Labra comes from Labrador and... sorry, I think I'm mansplaining!
Which is also a portmanteau. See what I did there?
In this month's digest, we will introduce the concept of the PORTMANTROIS (Port-man-TWAH). This is a lexical blend of three words that is, itself, a portmanteau of the word portmanteau and the French number trois. Sorry, mansplaining again.